Medicinal Mushroom Tea

I LOVE having a batch of this tea in the fridge to grab and heat up – or even enjoy cold! I find I naturally gravitate towards this tea in the winter months (probably for the amount of Vitamin D and B complex vitamins it contains!). It is perfect to warm the body up, support  my immune system for the winter and help with any inflammation that may be going on due to seasons changing.

  • Nutrient Dense and loaded with super foods
  • High in B-Complex Vitamins and Vitamin D
  • May help to lower blood pressure and sugar Levels
  • Helps to increases circulation
  • Rich in antioxidants
  • Helps to support and encourage a healthy immune system
  • May help with with gastrointestinal issues
  • May help with neurological issues (especially memory fog/loss!)
  • High in anti-inflammatory properties
  • Rich in adaptogens
  • Has been used in cancer prevention and treatment

THIS TEA may HELP people WITH:
  • Certain autoimmune disorders (consult with your naturopath)
  • SIBO/Gut Overgrowth or Candida (great alternative to tea/coffee when on a Candida cleanse!)
  • Skin Irritations such as acne, eczema, psoriasis..
  • Depression/Anxiety as well as cognitive function such as memory fog/loss
  • People who may be pre-diabetic or diabetic
  • People struggling with weight management (either loss or gain)
  • Kidney problems and more

**always consult your medical team (naturopath/dr/specialist/etc.) before trying new foods or taking new supplements to ensure they will not interact with any medications. My posts are not medical advice and not intended as so. Please use this information strictly for educational purposes only.**

I especially love this tea when I’m doing a cleanse or a detox! Most beverages are not usually allowed on cleanses and detoxes (as most can be highly processed, high in sugar, loaded with caffeine – even some fermented beverages aren’t allowed on certain cleanses!) however, this tea is free of caffeine, free of sugar and helps to assist the body in its natural detoxification process. Wondering where you can get these magical ingredients? Check out your local health food store, network with your local foragers (I love to forage for my own mushrooms when possible!) or go to Purica Wellness, Host Defense (Paul Stamets company), Annada ChagaHarmonic Arts and Organic Matters.


Place all ingredients in a large pot or crockpot and place on the warm setting or simmer on a low temperature with the lid on for a minimum of 3 hours. If you have a high-powered blender you could also blend/grind the ingredients together first too make them into smaller pieces. For full benefits, simmer for 24hrs. Pour, and enjoy!

  • Keep it low and slow! Ideally we want to avoid a rolling boil as it could potentially damage the nutrients. This is debatable in the health community though as some people believe it releases MORE of the nutrients! You be your own judge however 😉
  • Remember, less is more! Herbal medicines are powerful which is great, because they work so well! However, this also means we don’t need to take as much because of that. Use this tea periodically throughout the year but avoid over consuming; aim for moderation, balance and quality over quantity with this recipe.
  • Store this tea in the fridge for up to 1 week or freeze (ice cube trays work well) and enjoy for months! This tea is great as a cold brew or warmed up on the stove.
  • To make a sweeter tea, try adding maple syrup, honey or stevia.
  • Use this tea as a coffee replacement or while detoxing!
  • The mushrooms in this recipe can be dehydrated and re-used for 2 – 3 more batches. Ginger and cinnamon sticks should be composted after each batch.
  • Hoffman, D., FNIMH, AHG (2003) Medical Herbalism: The Science and Practice of Herbal Medicine



Don’t have the materials to make these or looking for items that are already pre-made? Did you know I offer meal prepping services? Let me help! PLUS I’ll be adding an online shop to my website soon! Contact me to inquire or pre-order!


With love,
Heidi MacAulay, R.H.N.
“Eat more plants. Do more yoga. Read more books.”
Learn more about me, my credentials or how to work with me here!

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