Hemp Mylk

Looking for a fun and new milk alternative? Try hemp milk!

Easy to make with just 2 ingredients and a blender; plus, see my fun ways of flavouring below! But first, let’s talk about a few HEALTH BENEFITS with Hemp Seeds:

    • Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) – nuts and seeds are generally LOADED with omega oils however hemp hearts specifically are high in polyunsaturated and essential fatty acids. They have about a 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3, which is awesome considering most of us get more 3’s than 6’s!
    • REDUCE INFLAMMATION – due to the high amounts of healthy omega oils, vitamins and minerals, hemp hearts are get at assisting the body in reducing inflammation
    • PROTEIN –  for every 2–3 tablespoons, hemp hearts provide about 11 grams of protein! They are also high in the amino acid arginine which has been known to help reduce blood pressure
    • NUTRIENT DENSE – hemp hearts are a great source of vitamin E and minerals, such as phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, iron and zinc
    • DIGESTION – most people have no issues with digesting hemp hearts, making it a great alternative for those that are allergic to others types of milks. Most people can benefit from them at any age/stage of their life. Opt to use the whole hemp heart as are a great source of both soluble and insoluble fibre.
    • 1/2 – 1 cup organic raw whole hemp hearts (this will depend on how “thick” and “creamy” you would like it –  see notes below)
    • 4 cups filtered water
OPTIONAL (but highly recommended)
    • 1-2 pitted medjool dates, softened in warm water (as a sweetener and slight thickener – you could also use maple syrup or honey)
    • 1 tsp vanilla extract
    • 1/2 tsp Himalayan salt
    • 1/4 tsp Xanthan gum
    • 1 drop DoTERRA essential oil of choice
    • plain/vanilla
    • chocolate/cacao
    • strawberry/beetroot
    • golden mylk/turmeric + black pepper
    • berry/pomegranate + hibiscus
    • mint/chlorella + matcha
    • Salish sea/blue spirulina
    • loving lavender
    • ..get creative! See my tips below
    1. Place main ingredients into the blender and blend on high until emulsified, about 30sec – 1min. This is best done with a high-speed blender.
      • If you are using the optional ingredients (not the flavouring ingredients yet), add those into the blender and repeat step one.
    2. From here, you can keep it whole, thick and creamy the way it is or strain it through a cheesecloth for a smoother finish.
    3. If you are flavouring the mylk, add in the flavouring ingredients after you’ve strained the mylk. Put ingredients back into the blender and do a quick blend to mix them all together.
    • INSULIN LEVELS – I gentle reminder to those using ONLY oats in your homemade mylks: Oats are still a simple carbohydrate meaning they are BEST paired with high quality fats and protein (likes nuts and seeds!) so that we can help to avoid insulin spikes and mid-day crashes. Be mindful of this when using sugars, flavours and different ingredients to prepare your mylks!
    • THICKNESS – start with 1/2 cup and slowly add more as you blend to attain the proper thickness. I find about 2/3 cup is the perfect spot for me! If i’m using the mylk in cooking such as sauces, breakfast/granola, baking etc. I will make a thicker mylk (1 full cup) and not strain it. However, if I’m using it in tea/coffee or beverages, I will keep it a bit thinner (1/2 cup – 2/3 cup) and strain it.
    • SOAKING – soak the oats or nuts FIRST before using to get a creamier texture and to help avoid separation. This may also help with digestion, absorption and removing any unwanted chemicals. Ideally soak with cold water for 12hrs or warm water for 1 – 2 hrs. Discard excess water & rinse before using.
    • BLENDING – The longer you blend, the smoother it will be however, over-blending can cause the blender to heat up and cook the mylk! Be mindful of this as it could get too thick and “clumpy”. Opt for blending it in 30sec – 1min intervals, allowing it to cool in-between to avoid this. This also protects the oils + valuable nutrients from getting altered or damaged!
    • FLAVOURING – Be careful not to add TOO much flavour! I usually start with 1/8 or 1/4 tsp for the stronger tasting flavours like spirulina and only about 1tsp of the milder tasting flavours cacao. I personally find that they don’t alter the flavour of the mylk that much either though. However, I don’t add a lot and I primarily do it for the gorgeous colours and small added benefits! Play around with the quantities to find what works best for you – and let me know what flavours you try!!
    • QUALITY – as always, aim for quality vs quantity! At-home mylks can be simple, affordable and nutrient-dense (who says you can’t have it all?!) when done with quality ingredients! If you don’t have a water filter, consider looking at options (or ask me what filter I would recommend for you) and buy non-GMO or organic, raw hemp hearts. I like to buy mine in bulk from these different outlets!
    • BREAKFAST – add or use in any of these breakfast recipes!
    • Homemade Nut Mylk



I also offer meal prepping services? Let me help! PLUS I’ll be adding an online shop to my website soon- Contact me to inquire or pre-order.


With love,
Heidi MacAulay, R.H.N.
“Eat more plants. Do more yoga. Read more books.”
Learn more about me, my credentials or how to work with me here!

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